Well, day two was not day one! They love their new home and pasture, but not so sure about we humans or their stall! Lots of changes for them and for us and so it was a comedy of sorts.
Let me begin with the first night! I went out and checked on them around 10 before I went to bed and all was fine. There is a motion light out there and they turned it on a few times, but for the most part they seemed to settle in for the night. I say in, but they were avoiding their stall and staying out in the pasture. Sammy lived in a pasture without a barn, so nothing new about this for him.The night started out well! I raised a window in our bedroom so we could hear them if there were any distress calls and, of course, there were none. However, the dogs next door began to bark and howl and I decided it must be coyotes and so out the door I flew. No their motion light wasn't on and they were cushed down and looked at me like I was crazy and of course even the dogs were silent! I went back to bed.
Really excited about that food! |
Day two started off great! They were grazing in the pasture and we went to church! They were still grazing when we got home and we started doing some things around our yard and theirs. They watched us with their typical curiosity, but walked away from us any time we headed their way. We were doing some work on their gates and they even came over, laid down and watched with great interest. We had been told they would come running to us and the stall when we feed them their grain and that's exactly what they did at the ranch. HOWEVER, that was not their reaction here! This was their reaction to me when I came out with food!
Not the happiest face! |
We wanted to put their halters on and walk them, but they wanted none of that! We finally put up a temporary fence and making the area smaller and smaller finally got them in their stall. I wish we had a video of us chasing them, them running and the ultimate herding in! I laughed and said the neighbors probably do - I should check You Tube, we're probably going viral right now! Haha I'm sure at the very least they got some good laughs - we certainly did!
Always ready to pose! |
Once in I did have success getting their halters on and the breeder suggested we leave them in the stall, except for a couple of walks a day for several days to get them used to the stall and learn that we're the bosses. We're not even the boss of our little dog, so I'm praying we can learn to be in control of these three boys! I'm going to go get some apples and carrots and see if I can bribe them with treats!
They, of course, were not happy to be contained, but you see they will still get in a line and pose for a picture! We went out to eat and when we came back they had eaten their food and were down for the evening. There is a lot of humming going on, but that can mean happy or unhappy, content or discontent, or nothing at all, so not the greatest clue about their real attitude! I'm voting yesterday it was not the sound of happiness! They have their hay rack and water in the stall and room to move around, so they will be fine. AND, I slept all night! No trips out side, just a quick look outside, but nothing to see and so right back to sleep! Oh, by the way we (Bill & I) both took several Advil before bed. This morning I have sore arms and back, partly from them and partly from weed eating for hours - today will be good!
In jail! Wish we had just come for food! |
Day three is going to be cleaning out the stall, attaching the leads (halters already on) and taking them for a walk and back in to the stall! This will all be included in the next update tonight or tomorrow and I'm sure will include some more about our learning curve - theirs and mine! I know I'm on my own as Bill happily returned to work this morning and leaves for Mobile in the morning! Advil will probably be my friend all week and thank God for Laurence and Donna! They are the best ever! Emails flew fast and furious yesterday and I'm sure will continue for awhile!
Jack just barked that this blog is about him, too and he wants it known that he's not happy about these three intruders! He wants to be out there with them, but he chases them and they could kick him, so he's in his yard and he barks, and barks and barks - so most of his day was spent in the house! Don't feel to bad for him, we played ball with him and he did get to sleep in the house!
Later, it's almost daylight - got to get to work!