Last time I posted, I said I would be going to the ranch to visit with the boys and see if they would walk for me! Oh, my goodness, what a difference a couple of weeks made. They walked right along with me as though they had always been doing it. They are such quick studies!!!!
Snack! |
All legs! |
But, before I get to them I have to tell you about the surprise I got upon arrival. As I pulled in Laurence was walking out the door. He said, "Come join me - I'm headed out to check on the new baby!" Yes, the first cria of the year was born last Thursday morning and he was adorable. I had never seen a cria and this one was just around seven hours old. Lauarence was a little concerned as the momma was a little over due; however, he only weighed 12.5 lbs. so it was a good thing she held on as long as she did He was small, as they hope they will weigh at least 15 pounds, but oh what a cutie!
Mommas watchful eye1 |
He was lying down when we got up to them, but Laurence gave him a little lift and up he got. He has the skinniest little legs, but he was moving all around. Laurence said they're usually walking around within five hours of birth. Sure glad our babies aren't doing that!
He tried to run and I wish I had gotten a video, those legs flying every which way. Cute, cute, cute.
Nose to nose! Sweet boys. |
After, enjoying the miracle of this little guy, we moved on to our yearlings, Lefty and Pancho. Laurence put out a little food into the feeder and all of the yearlings came running. He separated our our two and put their harnesses on and we led them out of the group. Pancho was a little hesitant to go out the door, which required stepping over a six inch board. I had read that sometimes even a 2 x 4 would cause them to stop, and I saw it in action. He literally jumped over the board. We worked with him, taking him in and out and he finally got where he stepped over with just a tiny little hop. Lefty just walked out like he'd always been doing it! Who knows why Pancho disliked that board so much. Anyway we walked up and down the pastures, visited with the new baby and got to know each other. Alpacas are very curious and so they loved seeing new alpacas and especially the baby. Momma was a little leery, but she let Laurence hold him and me pet him. The day gave me peace as I found I was able to keep them inline when they got a little frisky. At one, they do get frisky. At two, they get frisky, so I will be working with them regularly so that they can be used to educate children and others about these sweet animals. I'm looking forward to some home school field trips in the near future.

After an hour or so with those two, Laurence went to a separate pen and got Sammy! What a hoot he is. He had been halter/lead trained last year and hadn't been on a lead since shearing time last April He walked along with us like it had been yesterday. Something to remember, once they learn a behavior, they don't forget it, so teach them the right way from the beginning. It was, also, the first time Sammy was around the other two. He just turned two, so he's with the two year old alpacas and the good news is that they all seemed to like each other. They will be kept together for a few days before they come to our house to be sure they've bonded.

I left the boys behind and came back home knowing that they will be joining us soon. I believe we've decided on the 16th of February and so I won't see them again until they arrive at our house. Which means we now have a deadline! We need to finish up fencing, gates, their

stall floor, automatic waterer, and get the hay feeder in place and I'm sure a hundred other things we haven't thought of yet. To complicate all of this, I came down with the flu (boo hiss) on Thursday night so Bill has had his hands full! On the other hand, with my voice nothing but a squeak for three days, it has made for a quiet house for him and our sweet puppy. Just hoping I get well fast so I can mow again and try to rid the yard of all of the dangerous grasses and weeds.
Things should be quiet on this blog for the next 10 days or so and then I'll be back with pictures of the arrival.