Great weekend with the boys! They have come a long ways since February 16th and, of course, so have I. First and foremost, I no longer expect them to be a dog. haha Actually, that's kind of true - not that I wanted a big dog, but I did want them to come running and be so excited that I had given them a nice home. And I must admit, they seem much happier now that I let them just be alpacas.
I have a rubber stamp that says "Be Yourself - You are Most Qualified for the Job!" Point is that's not just for us, it's for our pets too! It seems to be human nature to want to try and change those around us, including our dogs and cats and even alpacas!
The boys are even getting friendlier with first time visitors and a little food in a hand goes along way in making friends with an alpaca. Seems like only yesterday that they finally ate out of my hand and then I had to stop because they got so impatient with each other that some spitting began! Not at me, but at each other and well, it's easy to get in the way! LOL So, yes, a little chewed up green grass sometimes landed on me too! Not my favorite thing, so I stopped the hand feeding. Now I can do it again and they take turns for a small amount each and then go to their bowls for the rest.
Yesterday we had friends out with their little girl. She's about six and cute as a button. She met the boys for the first time and like always the boys were very curious about her. They seem to be fascinated with children and they came right over to investigate her. After she had spent some time around them and I told her all about them I put some food in her little hand and Sam came right over and ate it. He's the most gentle with eating and it actually sort of tickles and she loved it! I did not have my camera with me and so no picture until next time! :(
And now on to the subject at hand! I leave this Friday for Bend, Oregon! I'm going out for alpaca handling classes! I got an email from Marty, my soon to be instructor, on Saturday and she said, "Summer is here!" And then what caught my attention was that it's now in the 40's at night rather than the 30's! What?????? Well, glad I didn't just read the summer part and pack like summer here! I would have been buying some winter (for me) clothes for sure. So I pulled up the weather for Friday - Wednesday and found that the warmest day 74 and coolest night 36. Needless to say jeans rather than shorts and jackets and sweaters are in order. I am excited - from 90 something to 70 something with a 30-40 thrown in at night and no humidity - will I come back? I just don't know - maybe in October!
The goal of the classes is to learn how to handle alpacas with respect for who/what they are and earn their trust. We will see! They already are much improved and follow me all around the pasture, and even have begun to let me touch them occasionally, but usually when my hand goes out they move away and I want/need to be able to halter and lead them without stress to them or me. Actually as I write this I'm thinking - maybe this is all about a trip to Oregon for me!! No really I want the boys to be used for homeschooler visits and maybe even be able to take them out to schools and at the least the vet and shearing without traumatizing them and me. And so, off I go! It will be fun and I will come back smarter and hopefully after some time they will let me and others give them a pet on the head and not be quite so afraid.
And, Bill, will be an experienced caretaker by the time I return! He will be feeding, hosing and cleaning up after them for the duration - bet he will want me back before October. Of course, he'll have Jack too - oh yeah, he'll come get me if I'm not on that plane Wednesday!!!! He actually already helps with them all a lot and two of the days are weekend, so he'll be just fine and maybe even in the habit of cleaning up the pacapoo! No that won't happen, but a girl can dream.

Speaking of Jack I used him as a measuring stick for the weeping willow we planted two weeks ago. Yes, it's that little twig right behind his head and yes it has leaves - just dont show well against the grass! Planted three weeping willows this size and 20 hybrid willows down the side of the pasture that holds water! Supposed to grow really fast - many feet in one year - so we will see!
Squatter Update - only two hatched - I thought there were three, but no - just two and momma and papa aren't as happy when I'm in the area as they were - a little dive bombing took place the other day when I wanted a newer picture. So I'm steering clear and letting them raise their family without my further interference. They don't seem to mind the pacas walking back and forth - another case of animals/birds etc. knowing what's a predator and what's not. Example: the boys don't care if a rabbit runs all around them, but don't let a cat come within 200 feet or an alarm is given!
Lots to do and I must get started doing it! Later!