Several weeks ago when we needed to keep the boys dry and it decided to rain each day, we changed their living quarters. We stretched a roll of wire fencing across the concrete that makes the covered area at the back of the barn. Their stall is a step down from this area and has a dirt floor and raised area for a dry spot and can be closed off from the pasture. We closed the gate and gave them the concrete and their stall the couple of nights before shearing.

A week or so ago I saw twigs around the top of the fencing and pulled them off. Then I looked down inside and saw a nest had been built. It was empty!
Then I found it with four eggs!
And as of this picture we had two eggs and two babies! Last night I looked and there were three chicks and one egg. I haven't looked today and am trying to be careful so mom and dad take care of these babies. Mockingbirds are known for being mean (protective) but they aren't bothering the boys who walk by and stand by the nest off and on all day and I'm out there quite a bit and they just sit on the fence down a few feet and watch me.
Last year they built a next in a basket on my back porch right under our kitchen window! Not the smartest birds - but after flying off the next every time I walked up to the sink - they finally had four little guys hatch - so I'm hoping this year they have the same success.
My friend Becky saw the nest last Friday and was thrilled when I sent her a picture of chicks. She suggested I might want to change the name of my blog, but I'm hoping they don't hang around that long. We've become quite a wildlife yard though as we now have many small rabbits and one very big momma! Thankfully I don't have a garden this year or my lettuce would be gone! I don't have pictures of the rabbits - they're way too quick, but I'll keep trying because these babies are sooo cute!