And so that made me think - what about those "three bags full" sitting in the house. I can't ignore them any longer or before I know it there will be six bags full and that is not good. I've been looking at drum carders to process the fiber myself and so I headed to WC Mercantile, my favorite little wool shop, and spent Friday afternoon with Stephanie owner and a great knowledge source. We looked at carders and the type of yarn and batts I want to make and I am excited. I drove back to Navasoto Saturday and took a drop spindle class so I can brush up on drafting fiber in prep of an all day class next Saturday on Intro to a Wheel. Found one I like, felt good to peddle and it's very modern looking and spins the big fat art yarn, but won't buy one until I've taken the class. The store will let me borrow the wheel for the class! Can't wait, I am so excited.
The following week I'll take a class with Diana North that makes the most beautiful batts and art yarn. That class covers dying to spinning, so hopefully in a few weeks I will know what on earth I'm going to do with my three bags full and anxiously be waiting for next May and the next batch.
So I must say it's a good feeling to be settled in our decision and looking forward. The boys arrived 5 months ago, well, on the 16th. They seem to like living here now and Bill and I both seem to enjoy them more every day. Even Jack and the boys are become through the fence friends. They love to sniff noses.
And so I close tonight relaxed and crazy about our boys! It has rained for the first time in weeks and their area is under water, but I've fed them and know they have the raised deck and the concrete to get on to stay drive if they want and if they want to lay out in the puddles - well that's ok too. Guess I'm finally relaxed with livestock! Now that's definitely a God thing!!!!
And might I say the rain in an answered prayer! So I close with thank you God for the boys and thank you for the rain and all of the other many, many other blessings.